Friends, I think it's becoming more apparent with each passing day that we, the people, have zero say in what our government does. On the heels of the passage of the food "safety" bill, I'm saddened to report that yesterday the USDA approved the unregulated release of Monsanto's genetically engineered alfalfa seeds, after all signs pointed to at least some regulation. This was a sudden switch by the pro-GMO Sec'y of Ag Vilsack that is bewildering everyone in the organic and "good food" movements. While we don't know why this happened, you can bet that the powerful GMO lobbies in Washington, namely Monsanto itself, paid for this with donations and promises to continue and expand the revolving door between its corporate offices and the USDA and FDA. This is tragic, if not frightening, on many fronts as it imperils not only organic alfalfa but the organic dairy industry itself. The reversal is even more bewildering considering that the USDA admitted that GE alfalfa poses a "significant risk" to the environment and the organic industry.
It is imperative that we continue to speak out and make the phone calls that need to be made. Call your Senators, Representatives or these numbers:
1) President Barack Obama:
Phone: (202) 456-1111
Fax: (202) 456-2461
2) USDA/APHIS; Email:; or call 1-301-851-2300 and record your comments
I will talk more about this in the next podcast along with information regarding recent farm raids and another plug for the upcoming documentary, "Farmageddon." These are trying times indeed, and we must take care to not lose faith or become discouraged. We have the right to organic non-GMO food and we are going to have to fight harder and harder for it.